Saturday, October 13, 2018


What is truth? This question has been asked many times. In asking the question what kind of answer is one seeking? Supernaturalists demand that this question have an idealist justification, but this is not consistent with the material nature of reality. Truth does exist, which is itself a concrete fact of existence. The idealist wants us to prove the existence of an idealist phantom (this criterion is what gives the guise of intellectual supremacy). Nihilism is predicated on the impossibility and collapse of this endeavor, it is what the idiot claims after his impossible idealist demands at justification and grounding are not met. This fact proves that nihilism is a fabrication based on loaded premises.

In most cases truth is ugly not beautiful, it is something humans are culturally conditioned to psychologically avoid, hence our problem at discovering its identity. We cannot help but beat it with a superstitious stick until it goes away.

Truth is material, it always spells out the limits of power, this makes for a decisive wound against the ego. Truth is dialectical: a kind of causal chain that accounts for conclusions, it is almost never isolated or individual; it is almost never the superficial assertion of the soundbite. [Although a premise that emerges from the dialectical depths in a simple form may often represent the truth swiftly.] 

The sophists of our time operate by seeking to dictate the nature of the criterion of being (what is and is not intellectually acceptable)... they tell us that being, in order to exist legitimately, must have an idealistic justification. To understand the difference between idealism and materialism is essential to comprehending truth. He that refutes the idealist has restored sanity, his action is one of intellectual revolution. 
