Wednesday, January 25, 2017


The question is, do you know what's really going on?

The question is, can one know what's really going on?

What do we mean by this question, by this phrase, 'really going on?' Does this not imply that one can be deceived about reality? How does one know that one is not deceived?

Is it a matter of formal systems; is it a matter of procedure? Are we merely talking about epistemology?

We must get to the point.

We are floating on a spherical, isolated rock. We are all the subjects of systems of power; we are all subjects of control. The question is whether or not we understand the relations in which we fine ourselves; the question of power is a question of relations. Do we have the ability to evaluate the nature of the relations in which we find ourselves?

Whoever owns the resources of the earth owns life. Whoever owns the earth controls the direction of life. Is not ownership itself a kind of relation, in vast magnitude, a kind of tyranny?

The resources of the earth are vital to life, why then, would the people of life, allow these resources to be monopolized against the quality and stability of life?

What then, is really going on?
Are we free or is mankind a herd?

The man who argues the right of individuals, to own large portions of the earth, restricts the freedom of its citizens. These men do not realize that they are affirming a system which will enslave their children.

One of the problems is that we let people tell us they are better than us; we let people tell us they have things figured out, when in reality, they have only figured out how to manipulate people in order to make things work for themselves. These people solve the problems of life by disenfranchising other people of life.

The question of reality is vital. The supernaturalists rave about an invisible world, but what does this have to do with the materiality of our existence? What does this have to do with the suffering and needs of the body?

To wake up to reality means one realizes they are being fooled.

What is freedom? Is it the freedom to serve corporations, mechanical and heartless institutions? "You are free to obey," is the silent precept of our time, but this is not freedom.

The genocide of our time is economic, it has to do with material deprivation and the control of resources; it has to do with the leverage of those resources against those who need them.

I purposely restrain from the language and style of academics, they insinuate that their formal procedures are essential, required for any authoritative conclusion. I reject this authoritarianism. Time is very limited, he that would be a philosopher of the people must learn to communicate swiftly! We do not have the luxury of assimilating the literature of Western Culture, urgency is upon us, the present system has sabotaged freedom. The future of the species hangs in the balance.

We must ask the question as to the nature of social relations. Poverty is not something that drops from the sky, it is like wealth, it is inherited. A man is the outcome of all that came before him, this includes his ideas and his material status in the world.

If we are wise we will probe the relations that control us, we will inquire into the nature of these relations; we will examine them to see if they correspond to our existential reality. (that is to say) do they make sense (are they intelligent) given the fragile nature of our existence?

This is the vital question; salvation has always been a matter of intelligence, it has nothing to do with the false hope of supernatural deliverance. We must save ourselves from our own stupidity, from our own tyranny.

Who does not want to make a better world for their children? The question then is one of the intelligence of our procedure; the intelligence of our methods; the intelligence of our logic; the intelligence of our relations.

Why must we do things the way we do (as though these channels  were unalterable laws of the universe)? Who does the present system benefit? Who sets the rules of the game?

All the ants marched in single file, until one ant decided to break formation; he had enough courage to question the intelligence of the procedure.
