Tuesday, July 28, 2020


In striving against the premises of fascism it seems we are forced to curb the intellectual, precisely because the thematic emphasis of fascism is itself a regression. The fascist intellectual (which is a contradiction in terms) is constantly demanding a reply to shallow, authoritarian premises. An analysis and refutation of these premises forces us to depart from intelligence. This is ultimately a loss to society because it allows the stupidity of fascism to control the intellectual emphasis. (When it comes to fascism even the act of refutation amounts to a form of regression).

This is the tragedy of fascism: that its ontology is entirely made up of the primitive, but more importantly, that it never escapes this domain; ontologically fascism is the antithesis of intelligence. Any intelligence it claims to uphold, is itself a caricature of intelligence. What does this mean? It means the intelligence of fascism is merely a form of resignation to the categories of violence. It aims to solve the political and social problems of the world through brute force. It is precisely this commitment to violence, as resolution, that demarcates fascism as an ideology of unintelligence. Hence, a shallow man like Mussolini, "It is blood which moves the wheels of history." Speech in Parma (13 December 1914) quoted in Foreign Affairs, May 1924, p 234 

Such a belief manifests an unfalsifiable metaphysical commitment to violence as the ultimate agent of transformation. But such authoritarian platitudes are mistaken: history is a process of value emphasis! Progress is the result of human cooperation, whether directly or indirectly, it is the grand agent that moves the wheels of history. Further, the psychological preconditions necessary for qualitative cooperation, are the result of civil social structures through which individuals pass. 


There is truth to the notion of violence as a vehicle for control. But it would be an error to mistake control for social progress. The violence of fascism is a form of violence, which is entirely lacking intelligence! (This is perhaps one of the most devastating facts against the internal integrity of fascism). This is because, within the realm of its own assumptions, it means fascism cannot justify itself in the sphere of violence. In other words, among the ideologies of violence, it stands at the bottom of its own category. Fascism is the antithesis of intelligence!

To be a fascist one merely has to appeal to physical force as a solution for social contradictions.


The ontology of society will always be that of the problem of reconciling unity within diversity. This means society always comes in the form of a problem, society is itself a problem, it presents mankind with paradoxes needing resolution. Fascism attempts to solve these problems by reverting to barbarism: physical force against those who present opposition (resolving contradiction by the illusion of its elimination). The problem (among other things) is that this is not an actual solution to the tensions of society. Such a solution amounts to the negation of diversity, which is the most vital component of social quality. (It is well known among social psychologists that diversity outperforms individual talent). 

To eliminate tension through violence, will not solve the actuality of a contradiction that requires intelligent innovation and dialectical comprehension. In reality it merely produces the illusion of resolution. This is the utter weakness and incompetence of fascism; it is merely trying to convince itself of strength, to create the illusion of stability, intelligence and control. (Here the paradox is that it seeks to realize stability through impulse and chaos). It is totally lacking in higher abstract capacity.

To be a fascist one must begin with metaphysical assumptions about human nature. One must assume that all men are born corrupt. But this is false. Human beings are the historical product of their culture and environment. At the basis of all human action stands the reality of cultural values, moral beliefs that influence the movement of bodies.

It is interesting to note that the two dominant religions of the world (Christianity and Islam) both share fascism's superstitious metaphysical assumptions regarding the nature of man. (Here the premise of man's spiritual corruption leads to the conclusion that man must be controlled). Hence, brute force as justified by the ideology of laws that derive from the erroneous metaphysical claim that man is wicked. Hence, human nature is something to be tamed as opposed to nourished. Behold the tragic error that stands at the root of human destruction! This fatal presupposition poisons the well against mankind's flourishing, it serves the purpose of creating much unnecessary misery and confusion.


At the root of fascism there is fear. It can be said that fascism is an ideology entirely driven by fear. And yet the paradox is that fascism creates a greater hell for man than the one it projects as needing to be escaped. The danger of fascism is that it cannot see itself; it has no awareness of its contradiction or hypocrisy. This is because fascism is the antithesis of intelligence. Intelligence is that substance which continually searches out and becomes aware of its own defect (a kind of metacognition). This conscious discipline is totally lacking in fascism. In this sense fascism is pure impulse, it acts, it doesn't question. In order to consider human activity it must enter the domain of intelligence, instead of the primitive, animal impulse, which it is as a philosophy of pure reaction... reaction to the imaginary, hypothetical projection created from the insecurity of its own fear.

To be a fascist is to be an enemy of civility, which inevitably puts one directly against the possibility of society itself.


The strength of fascism is a false image produced by the application of propaganda. It's important to remember this when it comes to public fascists; their strength is not really strength, but a propagated image of strength. Should this image be put to the test of proving itself against substance, against real strength, it would immediately manifest itself as weakness. This is why intellectuals who care about the quality of culture, must have the courage to go after the public image of fascism.* Essentially, this is how fascism is defeated. It's a matter of showing that the strong man is really weak, which simply means confronting the public image with real intellectual strength. There is more: one must not only confront, but one must repeatedly emphasize the evasion, weakness and overall intellectual incompetence of the fascist. In other words, if a fascist runs away from debate, this evasion must be embellished and pointed out over and over again. The reason is because it exposes the lie of the public image, thereby disillusioning the public of the fascist's strength.



*It should be noted that one does not have to be on the front lines. Not everyone is intellectually prepared to engage fascism in public. And doing so without being prepared, on the basis of pure ego, can actually help to propagate the strength of the fascist's public image. For those who want to defeat fascism, but lack the capacity, the answer is simply to point out the fascist's evasions and failures within the domain of the public sphere. This reinforces and assists in the continued shattering of the public image. Simply point out, and reference over and over again, the actual facts that contradict the propagation of the public image. For example, if Ben Shapiro was challenged to a debate by Glenn Greenwald on the topic of Palestine and Israel, but he completely evaded the challenge, this evasion should be exploited, pointed out over and over again within the public sphere. Ben Shapiro should be repeatedly confronted with it in public.
