Sunday, May 22, 2022



The real question is, why would you assume that philosophers who philosophize at the end of the world would be aware of their extinction? Is their program not an attempt to avoid the feelings of this catastrophe? Philosophers are interested in abstract games that distract them from reality, they are not interested in reality! 

Few will walk with me into the darkness, into the sorrow of my cave. According to the automation and impulse of life thought is a mistake, it's the enemy of motion, but this is also why the wise love it. What is most dangerous? To step outside psychological categories, to step outside social categories, it seems that the unconscious puts these here for a reason, nevertheless be brave my discerning one, for the unconscious is but a reaction, it does not apply intelligence, like a child it simply tries to calm its fears, consciousness is not condemned by such automation. Thought has the power to rise above it.

You can do better. Do you understand what this means? All values are created. You did not hear it so I must say it again: all values are created! There is only one difference and that is the difference between automation, like the child, and consciousness, which amounts to a determination of intelligence. Values based on knowledge, who ever thought of such a thing? And yet these are the attributes man is lacking.

Where there is no future the philosopher must decide his fate, many give themselves over to hedonism because they believe this to be a counter to nihilism. It is most interesting that meaning is not contingent on longevity and yet it doesn't have to succumb to hedonism. The same is true of logic, it has never been eternal and yet it is not lacking in value. I do not think you comprehend this.

If you walk with me into the darkness I will not give you a candle, but I will tell you that all light comes from the diligence and resilience of thought. For thought is something you do not yet comprehend, you think of it as a phantom, something casual or inconsequential. But if you dare isolate it you will find the power of man, the tool par excellence unto all that is advanced, man's only hope in this dark universe.

I dare you to ask the question of value. I dare you to ask the question of relevance. As soon as you do all your forms will give way to substance, which means they will die, they will fall into the abyss of irrelevance to make room for real power. But Oh my beloved, this death is necessary for the birth of new forms! You do not yet understand, you are the replica of culture, until you learn to be critical, dialectical, you are midnight without a sun.

Any philosopher that speaks the truth is going to be unpopular. One of the unspoken lies of philosophy is that sophistication of form proves quality of content, but this is a violation of the technology of words. Stop trying to prove your intelligence with words and start using them intelligently!              

Poor child, you cannot understand why I weep in the moonlight; I am in mourning for the tragedy which is man, I am in mourning because man's intelligence is not intelligence, but a form of self-negation, and this is something he doesn't comprehend.

In order to walk with me you must be able to bear much sorrow. A good philosopher must travel to the end through the medium of the negative, only then does he bring back authentic hope. I give you the Nightmare, for this is what the philosopher must face if he wants to create a joyful dream! 