Saturday, January 21, 2017


WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH, sharing the same lot, and having great need of each other, for the quality and stability of our survival, do take it upon ourselves to declare that tyrants and despots should find no place among our species. 

We, the people of the earth, have a right to the earth insofar as life itself depends on the earth. We reject the false philosophy which says some men have a greater right to the earth than others. We reject all systems which create classes of privilege, knowing full well that the outcome of such systems leads to the destruction of freedom and the chaos of war. No species can thrive in chaos, and all those who are against the thriving of the species, are against the species itself.

There is a duty before us, it is the duty to protect freedom from the claims of tyranny. One man does not constitute a nation, a nation is made up of many people. One body does not constitute the species, the species is made up of many bodies. One man on his own is nothing, and would come to naught without the mutual aid of his fellow, but all men are what they are because of the help of other men.

Since no man can escape the fact that he has need of other men, Intelligence demands that we strive for peace. Progress demands peace, without peace there can be no progress, and without progress, the species cannot transcend its suffering. This tragic fact cripples the quality of life, and if life loses its quality, then it loses not only its power, but also its incentive. 

When greedy men lay claim to the earth it is the duty of the people, for the good of their children, for the future of the species, to nullify these claims in the name of Intelligence. Elitism is not the friend, but the enemy of man. Elitism is a form of tyranny, wherein individuals seek to lord over other men, and this they do by claiming a greater right to the earth. But the earth does not belong to one man, the earth belongs to all men. It is the right of those who are born on the earth to lay equal claim to the earth; it is the duty of the people to see that their rightful claim is not thwarted by the tyranny of tyrants. To assist in this endeavor it is vital for the people to affirm their common humanity. Man cannot live without access to the earth; man cannot thrive without the assistance of his fellow man. These facts of reality, though they cannot be refuted, have been suppressed by tyrants. There are those who claim a right to unequal property; they use property in order to restrict freedom. But we, the people of the earth, lay equal claim to the earth, insofar as we are born on the earth, insofar as we are creatures of the earth, insofar as we cannot survive without it. We have no other resource from which to nourish life. If man is banished from the earth, if he is held at a distance through legislative violence, then he will suffer, and as one suffers, so the species suffers. Man's life consists only in his relation to the earth and other men. To remove these axioms is to destroy the life of man.

In order to protect freedom and ensure the quality of life, which is the same as protecting the future of the species, governments must be instituted by men. The power of these bodies best serves the species only when they protect the axioms which are vital to the species. For this reason the power of government should always be set against the power of tyranny (most of all this means the potential tyranny of government itself). The point of government should always be the security of liberty for the largest possible amount of people. When the power of government is set to protect the interests of the Elite, then such a government has become a tyranny to life. It is the duty of the people, for the good of the species, for their own vitality and that of their children, to overthrow this government, and establish one that is consistent with the axioms of life. A failure to do this, will not only result in the stagnation of the species, but also an unnecessary prolongation of its suffering.       

It is time for the people of the earth to come together and understand that they are children of the earth. To give one man a larger privileged than all the rest is to rob the rest of life and freedom. Because tyrants will not share what they claim as their right, even though they cannot justify this claim in reality, it is forced on the people to resist the tyranny of tyrants. But this must be done with Intelligence, it is the way of primitive men to resolve conflict by violence. Violence is only necessary when tyrants leave no other way for the people to emancipate themselves from tyranny, and this they do by suppressing the right to speak, by enacting legislation, which pretends to act righteously in the name of life, but in reality, is nothing more than a cloak for tyranny. As long as free speech is protected by law the people have all the power they need to liberate themselves from a tyrant.  

In order to live a quality life man needs resources, and the only place he can draw these resources, is from the earth. Those who claim an unequal right to these resources rob life of its vitality. Such men, having no concern for the species, stand as a threat to the species. These men are left over from another time; from a time when it was superstitiously believed that war was good for the progress of life; "that competition is the guarantee of survival." But we have grown beyond this groundless superstition, these empty, authoritarian platitudes. It is clear, by every precept of our strongest methods of inquiry, that cooperation is the great surety of life. It alone is the driving force of progress; it is the precondition of life and happiness.

If our species would blossom into the future then we must be able to see the clear truth that Elitism is the enemy of life, insofar as it is the enemy of the species, insofar as it stands and speaks only for its own quality and freedom. In the grand context of existence, it is evident that Elitism is a form of social confusion and tyranny, it is a recipe for social disaster.  

When the goods of the earth are restricted and controlled by those who seek to leverage these goods as a threat against life, then all of life suffers. Such control only serves to thwart and cripple the progress, stability and quality of the species. These men, who stand among us, claiming themselves to be leaders, examples for us and our children, are no such thing, they would drag all of humanity to extinction merely to keep their unwarranted privilege of power, a power they wield over other men in suppression of freedom.

We, the people of the earth, declare that the resources of the earth belong freely to the agents of life, to all those who are born onto the earth and have need of the earth. We declare that no man has the lawful right, given the actual material facts of existence, to hoard the resources of the earth against the people. The only reason the people have permitted this injustice thus far, is because they have been deceived by the empty claims of ambitious men. It has been ignorance, fostered by deceit, and not compliance, which has led to the proliferation of this tyranny.

We, the people of the earth, demand that those who claim an unequal right to the earth, justify the claim they make. For here there is a Reality of Intelligence that stands above the authoritarian claims of greedy men. It is not a matter of divine law, which consists in mindless obedience to groundless assertion and myth, but a matter of Intelligent Procedure. Common sense doth dictate, that the unbalanced and gross gluttony of private property in the hands of a ruling Elite, only leads to the inevitable downfall and regression of the species. In order for life to thrive it must have abundant conditions. No life can flourish in the absence of nourishing conditions. So important is this fact that all life must have access to the earth. Any man or system, which restricts this essential necessity, is, as a matter of fact, an enemy of the species.

In the darkness of this vast and mysterious universe, let us stand together against indifferent nature, knowing full well that this is our best and only recourse of action if we would create abundant conditions, in order to cultivate abundant life. 

A Citizen of the Earth.