Friday, December 11, 2015


Atheist: Would you consider yourself a religious man?

Napoleon: Only in the sense that I find religion to be useful.

Atheist: Useful to what end?

Napoleon: Useful for the pacification of the masses. You see, once cities are conquered they must be sustained, and in order to do this religion serves a high purpose.

Atheist: So you admit that your use of religion is entirely pragmatic?

Napoleon: I have no knowledge of this word, pragmatic. I admit that my use of religion is precisely that, a use for the purpose of controlling the masses. Men readily submit to the declarations of the Bible, and the Bible says that Kings and Rulers are put in place by God, hence religion serves the purpose of establishing my authority without actually having to establish my authority. If you can get men to submit without violence, through the use of ideas and assertions, then this is the best way to get men to submit.

Atheist: But personally, you do not believe the universe is ordered?

Napoleon: Precisely not, I have no need of that hypothesis. Part of my power is specifically linked to my knowledge of the way the world works. In other words, I know that power is supreme. I know that there is no such thing as absolute good and evil. I am aware of the fact that we must create our morals, but this does not mean that the use of ideas to establish one's power, should be neglected as a strategy for power. It serves my purpose when men affirm an absolute good and evil, because I am then able to use this belief to my advantage. The fact that I know that such ideas are false (have no bearing in reality) makes me superior to those who submit to such ideas. This gives me the power to stand above their ideas; to use their ideas against them. Men by nature are fools; they are trapped by their belief. The key is to stand above this belief.

Atheist: So you admit that religion is false, but useful to accomplish your purpose. Isn't this deceptive?

Napoleon: You can call it that if you so wish, but in the context of life, I refer to it as a form of intelligence. It is no good to stand within the infrastructure of religion, it is only good to stand outside the infrastructural of religion. In other words, to be a convert is to be utterly deceived; is to give up one's power to those who understand the manipulation of power. The only superior use religion can have is a use where one controls religion, as opposed to being controlled by religion. In the latter case religion destroys one's power. If I were to submit to the infrastructure of religion (to practice religion within the context of religion) I would always be the servant of weaker men; men who use the assertions of religion to pacify and control stronger men. My life would be forfeit to a power structure that kept me subservient. Any time I tried to gain... any time I tried to step outside this power structure I would be contained by this power structure. This is the way to destroy men, even as the practice of religion is the way to destroy oneself. We must get something straight, the last thing religion does is liberate any man; religion, by its very nature, is a form of ideological control. To be religious is to give up power to those who wield power within the context of religion. The only way to be superior to religion is to use religion; is to stand above religion as an authority to religion. I am the civil magistrate put in place by God; this is what religion says, and just so long as I operate within this frame of reference, I am the voice of God. Religious people do not understand this; they think religion is a matter of truth, but here their belief makes me superior. Religion is the pacification of the masses on the basis of bold assertions. The difference is that I know these assertions have no power (aside from the power to deceive the man or woman who affirms their power)... my advantage is that religious people have no knowledge of this. They are like mindless sheep being led by mindless commands. God is a useful hypothesis, but not so useful as the hypothesis which knows that the idea of God is totally lacking in substance outside its capacity for deception... allegiance to God leads to a kind of social control. He that believes in God has ceased to challenge authority!
